The end of the transition period for poison centre notifications is approaching. This means that all notifications for hazardous mixtures placed on the EU market must be in the harmonised format according to Annex VIII of the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation from 1 January 2025.
Mixtures classified as hazardous, based on the regulation (EC) No 1272/2008, because of its effects on health or because of its physical effectshave to be notified to the Belgian Poison Centre once they are placed on the Belgian market. No matter which kind of firm is placing it on the market.
Belgium chose to use two different systems in parallel:
A direct notification to the Belgian Poison Centre is also possible for the Belgian market only, for products/mixtures which are not declared via the ECHA PCN Portal.
For information on this procedure, please contact the Belgian Poison Centre by phone : +32 2 264 96 36.
You may choose between one of those two systems to notify your products to the Poison Centre. It is not necessary to notify via the two systems for the products placed on the market in Belgium.
Warning: in the case you would submit your notifications through both systems in parallel, you would be charged with the double amount of fee. It is indeed technically compulsory to process the double notifications coming from both systems. It therefore leads to a double work of our team.
Fee to be paid for each notified hazardous mixture
In compliance with Article 9 of the Royal decree of 13 November 2011 laying down the charges and contributions to be paid to the Budgetary fund of raw materials and products, the person responsible for placing a hazardous mixture on the Belgian market must pay a one-time fee (i.e. he must pay only once) for each notified mixture or group of equivalent mixtures.
The payment of the retribution fee must happen before the notification. It is necessary to fill in the Excel file and send it back to sends e-mail) for verification and linking the payment to the notification(s).
The proof of payment has to be send to:
For more information about the fee, please contact only:FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment: