Voluntary notifications

There is no obligation to notify non-classified mixtures or mixtures only classified for the environmental hazards (with H4xx statement) to the Poison Centre.
However, we invite the companies to notify all products, hazardous or not as accidents with all products can happen. It is important for the medical team to have access to the composition of a product involved in an incident and especially for incidental intake.

If you include the Poison Control Centre emergency number on your labels and/or safety data sheets, the composition of your mixtures must have been declared to the Poison Control Centre.

No fee is due for voluntary notifications.


Your declaration includes:

  • An EDF declaration worksheet: this is a simple Excel file (compatible with Open Office) that you complete before sending it back to us.
  • For each mixture declared many documents: SDS, composition, label. All documents should preferably be provided in PDF format.

  You can send us your declaration:

  • By e-mail: depot@poisoncentre.be
    (max. size for e-mail: 5Mb. You can send us your declaration in several mails if required).

  • By post (on CD/DVD/ USB):

Your CD/DVD/ USB must be sent at the following address:
Belgian Poison Centre
p/a Militair Hospitaal Koningin Astrid
Bruynstraat 1, 1120 Brussel